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Risk Management

Risk Management

Risk ID Category Risk Description Probability Impact Risk Score Mitigation Strategy Indicator Contingency Plan Responsible Status Last modifed date
1 Organisation Drop out of Students 3 4 12 Healthy Lifestyle, Benefits Longer absence Higher Workload, cancel unimportant featuers Alex Closed 04.06.2023
2 Technical Server down 1 8 8 Backup plan for deployment, Backup (Code, Data, etc.) Email from provider, Health Monitoring Change to Azure Alex Open 12.04.2023
3 Technical Appsettings leaked in production (private Tokens) 3 10 30 DO NOT PUSH THE REAL APPSETTINGS.JSON, if edited check git status Code Review, Pull Request Change secrets Pusher Closed 04.06.2023
4 Technical Accidential main branch wrecking 3 8 24 Git main branch protection Warning in git bash and force push Revert branch, force push recent main branch Pusher Closed 12.04.2023
5 Technical End of support for third party libraries 4 6 24 News monitoring on used 3rd party libraries Dependabot warning on github, Owasp Zap Warning Switch to own implementations, use old versions, use alternative libraries Anna Open 12.04.2023

Last update: 2023-06-09