Testplan AMOGUS
Test types
Unit tests
Beta tests
Target test coverage
The target test coverage is 60% in terms of unit testing line and branch coverage. Goal is to test the services functionalities.
Testing tools
Unit testing
Beta tests
Humans: Some random dudes who will test the application e. g. Luca Hackl
Test server
Test case management
Github Actions will show the amount of tests passed and failed per pull request.
Test cases
Unit test cases
Auth Service
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
1 | CreateRolesAsync | CreateRolesAsync_WhenGivenRoles_CreatesThem | UserRoles class | All Roles correctly created in the RoleManager |
2 | CreateRolesAsync | CreateRolesAsync_WhenGivenRoles_AndRoleAlreadyExists_DoesNotCreateIt | UserRoles class | No roles created in the RoleManager |
3 | LoginUserAsync | LoginUserAsync_WhenGivenUserData_AndEmailWrong_Exception | Wrong email | Faulted result |
4 | LoginUserAsync | LoginUserAsync_WhenGivenUserData_AndPasswordWrong_Exception | Wrong password | Faulted result |
5 | LoginUserAsync | LoginUserAsync_WhenGivenUserData_AndAllCorrect_LoginUser | Correct user data | Successful result and Auth Token |
6 | RegisterUserAsync | RegisterUserAsync_WhenValidationFails_Exception | user data with failed validation | Faulted result |
7 | RegisterUserAsync | RegisterUserAsync_WhenGivenRegisterModel_AndUserAlreadyExists_Exception | user data that already exists | Faulted result |
8 | RegisterUserAsync | RegisterUserAsync_WhenGivenRegisterModel_AndFailedToCreate_Exception | valid data but cant create user | Faulted result |
9 | RegisterUserAsync | RegisterUserAsync_WhenGivenRegisterModel_AndRoleDoesNotExist_Exception | valid user data but non existent role | Faulted result |
10 | RegisterUserAsync | RegisterUserAsync_WhenGivenRegisterModel_AndEverythingIsFine_LoginUser | valid user data and valid role | Successful result and Auth Token |
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
11 | CheckAnswer | CheckAnswer_WhenGivenAnswer_AndQuestionIsNotRandomMental_ AndOrigQuestionNotFound_ReturnsFalse |
Non random question, that does not exist | false |
12 | CheckAnswer | CheckAnswer_WhenGivenAnswer_AndQuestionIsRandomMental_ AndAnswerIsNotCalculable_ReturnsFalse |
random question that cannot be calculated | false |
13 | CheckAnswer | CheckAnswer_WhenGivenAnswer_AndQuestionIsNotRandomMental_ AndQuestionExists_ReturnAnswerIsCorrect |
non random question with correct answer | true |
14 | CheckAnswer | CheckAnswer_WhenGivenAnswer_AndQuestionIsNotRandomMental_ AndQuestionExists_ReturnAnswerIsNotCorrect |
non random question with incorrect answer | false |
15 | CheckAnswer | CheckAnswer_WhenGivenAnswer_AndQuestionIsRandomMental_ ReturnAnswerIsCorrect |
random question with correct answer | true |
16 | CheckAnswer | CheckAnswer_WhenGivenAnswer_AndQuestionIsRandomMental_ ReturnAnswerIsNotCorrect |
random question with incorrect answer | false |
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
17 | NewSession | NewSession_WithoutQuestionAmount_ReturnsSessionWith10Questions | no amount specified | Session with 10 questions |
18 | NewSession | NewSession_WithQuestionAmount1_ReturnsSessionWith1Question | amount should be 10 | Session with 10 questions |
19 | EndSessionAsync | EndSessionAsync_AndUserNotFound_ReturnsException | Wrong userId | Faulted result |
20 | EndSessionAsync | EndSessionAsync_AndUserFound_AndValidationFails_ReturnsException | non valid session model | Faulted result |
21 | EndSessionAsync | EndSessionAsync_AndUserFound_AndSessionValid_ButDbNotAffected_ReturnsFaulted | Session cannot be saved | Faulted result |
22 | EndSessionAsync | EndSessionAsync_AndUserFound_AndSessionValid_AndDbAffected_ReturnsSuccess | session can be saves | Successful result |
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
23 | GetUserAsync | GetUserAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndNoUserWithThatIdExists_Exception | wrong userId | Faulted result |
24 | GetUserAsync | GetUserAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndUserWithThatIdExists_ReturnsUser | valid userid | Successful result and user |
25 | IsInRoleAsync | IsInRoleAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndRole_AndUserNotInRole_ReturnsFalse | userId not in role | false |
26 | IsInRoleAsync | IsInRoleAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndRole_AndUserInRole_ReturnsTrue | userId in role | true |
27 | DeleteUserAsync | DeleteUserAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndUserNotFound_ReturnsFaulted | wrong userId | Faulted result |
28 | DeleteUserAsync | DeleteUserAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndUserManagerCantDelete_Exception | valid userId but userManager cannot delete | Faulted result |
29 | DeleteUserAsync | DeleteUserAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndEverythingIsFine_ReturnTrue | valid userId | Successful result and user is deleted |
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
30 | AddQuestionAsync | AddQuestionAsync_WhenGivenQuestion_AndEverythingIsFine_AddsQuestionAndReturnsQuestion | valid Question | Successful result and Question |
31 | AddQuestionAsync | AddQuestionAsync_WhenGivenQuestion_AndIOException_ReturnsException | empty Question | faulted result |
32 | DeleteQuestionByIdAsync | DeleteQuestionByIdAsync_WhenGivenQuestionId_AndQuestionDoesNotExist_ReturnsException | invalid QuestionID | faulted result |
33 | DeleteQuestionByIdAsync | DeleteQuestionByIdAsync_WhenGivenQuestionId_AndQuestionFileNotAccessible_ReturnsException | valid QuestionID but not accessible | faulted result |
34 | DeleteQuestionByIdAsync | DeleteQuestionByIdAsync_WhenGivenQuestionId_AndEverythingIsFine_ReturnsTrue_AndQuestionDeleted | valid QuestionID | Successful result and question deleted |
35 | GetQuestionById | GetQuestionById_WhenGivenQuestionId_AndQuestionDoesNotExist_ReturnsException | invalid QuestionID | Faulted result |
36 | GetQuestionById | GetQuestionById_WhenGivenQuestionId_AndQuestionDoesExist_ReturnsQuestion | valid QuestionID | Successful result and question |
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
37 | ReadStreakAsync | ReadStreakAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndUserHasNoStats_Exception | UserID with no stats | Faulted result |
38 | ReadStreakAsync | ReadStreakAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndUserHasStats_ReturnsCurrentStreak | valid userid with stats | Successful result and current streak |
39 | UpdateAllStreaksAsync | UpdateAllStreaksAsync_WhenPlayerHasNotPlayedToday_AndNotLongestStreak_StreakIsSetTo0 | player that hasn't played today | streak set to 0 |
40 | UpdateAllStreaksAsync | UpdateAllStreaksAsync_WhenPlayerHasNotPlayedToday_AndLongestStreak_StreakIsSetTo0_ButKeepLongest | player that hasn't played today | streak set to 0 and longest streak kept |
41 | UpdateAllStreaksAsync | UpdateAllStreaksAsync_WhenPlayerHasPlayedToday_ButNotLongestStreak_StreakIsNotLost | player that has played today | streak is kept |
42 | UpdateAllStreaksAsync | UpdateAllStreaksAsync_StreaksOfAllPlayersAreUpdated | multiple players that have not played today | all streaks set to 0 |
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
43 | GetUserStatsAsync | GetUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndUserHasNoStats_Exception | userid that has no stats | Faulted result |
44 | GetUserStatsAsync | GetUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndUserHasStats_ReturnsStats | userId that has stats | Successful result and stats |
45 | GetDetailedUserStatsModelAsync | GetDetailedUserStatsModelAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_AndUserHasNoStats_Exception | userid that has no stats | Faulted result |
46 | GetDetailedUserStatsModelAsync | GetDetailedUserStatsModelAsync_WhenGivenAUserId_EverythingAlright_ReturnsDetailedUserstats | userId that has stats | Successful result and detailed UserStatsApiModel |
47 | UpdateUserStatsAsync(UserStats userStats) | UpdateUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenUserStats_AndValidationFails_ReturnsFalse | invalid UserStats | false |
48 | UpdateUserStatsAsync(UserStats userStats) | UpdateUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenUserStats_UpdateInDbFails_ReturnsFalse | valid UserStats but repository failed updating | false |
49 | UpdateUserStatsAsync(UserStats userStats) | UpdateUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenUserStats_AndEverythingIsFine_ReturnsTrue | valid UserStats | true |
50 | UpdateUserStatsAsync(GameSession session, bool[] answers, ApplicationUser user) | UpdateUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenGameSessionAnswersAndUser_AndValidationFails_ReturnsFalse | invalid GameSession, Answers and user | false |
51 | UpdateUserStatsAsync(GameSession session, bool[] answers, ApplicationUser user) | UpdateUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenGameSessionAnswersAndUser_UpdateInDbFails_ReturnsFalse | valid GameSession, Answers and user but update in db fails | false |
52 | UpdateUserStatsAsync(GameSession session, bool[] answers, ApplicationUser user) | UpdateUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenGameSessionAnswersAndUser_AndEverythingIsFine_ReturnsTrue | valid GameSession, Answers and user | true |
53 | UpdateUserStatsAsync(GameSession session, bool[] answers, ApplicationUser user) | UpdateUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenGameSessionAnswersAndUser_AndEverythingIsFine_StatsAreUpdatedCorrectly | valid GameSession, Answers and user | true and stats updated correctly |
54 | UpdateUserStatsAsync(GameSession session, bool[] answers, ApplicationUser user) | UpdateUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenGameSessionAnswersAndUser_AndEverythingIsFine_StatsAreUpdatedCorrectly2 | valid GameSession, Answers and user (other values than above so other changes happen) | true and stats updated correctly |
55 | UpdateUserStatsAsync(GameSession session, bool[] answers, ApplicationUser user) | UpdateUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenGameSessionAnswersAndUser_AndUserHasNotPlayedYet_StreakIsUpdated | like the above but playedtoday is false | played today is now true and streak is updated |
56 | UpdateUserStatsAsync(GameSession session, bool[] answers, ApplicationUser user) | UpdateUserStatsAsync_WhenGivenGameSessionAnswersAndUser_AndUserHasPlayedAlready_StreakIsNotIncreased | like the above but playedtoday is true | streak is not increased |
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
57 | GetLeaderboardAsync | GetLeaderboardAsync_ReturnsCorrectObject | UserStats mock | Correct Object hirachy |
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
58 | Median | Median_Returns0_ForEmptyArray | Empty Array | 0 |
59 | Median | Median_ReturnsFirstElement_ForArrayWithSize1 | Array with 1 Element | The first element |
60 | Median | Median_ReturnsAverage_ForArrayWithSize2 | Array with 2 Elements | Average |
61 | Median | Median_ReturnsMedian_ForSortedArrayWithEvenCount | Sorted Array with even Elements | Correct median |
62 | Median | Median_ReturnsMedian_ForSortedArrayWithOddCount | Sorted Array with Odd Elements | Correct median |
63 | Median | Median_ReturnsMedian_ForRandomArrayWithEvenCount | Shuffled Array with even Elements | Correct median |
64 | Median | Median_ReturnsMedian_ForRandomArrayWithOddCount | Shuffled Array with Odd Elements | Correct median |
65 | CalcAnswer | CalcAnswer_ReturnsEmpty_WithEmptyQuestion | Empty Question | Empty String |
66 | CalcAnswer | CalcAnswer_SolvesEquation_WithXInQuestion | Equation with x | set of solutions |
67 | CalcAnswer | CalcAnswer_SolvesExpression_WithQuestion | Expressions without x | Correct answer for the expressions |
68 | CalcAnswer | CalcAnswer_ReturnsEmpty_ForXInStatement | Expressions with x | empty string |
Game Session Validator
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
69 | Rules | SessionId_CannotBeEmpty | Empty sessionid | false |
70 | Rules | SessionId_ShouldBeValidGuid | invalid guid | false |
71 | Rules | SessionId_ShouldBeValid | valid guid | true |
72 | Rules | Playtime_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
73 | Rules | Playtime_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 0.1, 1 | true |
74 | Rules | CorrectAnswersCount_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
75 | Rules | CorrectAnswersCount_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 1 | true |
76 | Rules | GivenAnswersCount_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
77 | Rules | GivenAnswersCount_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 1 | true |
78 | Rules | AverageTimePerQuestion_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
79 | Rules | AverageTimePerQuestion_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 0.1, 1 | true |
80 | Rules | QuickestAnswer_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
81 | Rules | QuickestAnswer_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 0.1, 1 | true |
82 | Rules | SlowestAnswer_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
83 | Rules | SlowestAnswer_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 0.1, 1 | true |
Registermodel Validator
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
84 | Rules | Email_CannotBeEmpty | Empty email | false |
85 | Rules | Email_CannotBeInvalid | invalid emails | false |
86 | Rules | Email_IsValid | valid email | true |
87 | Rules | Username_CannotBeEmpty | empty username | false |
88 | Rules | Username_IsValid | non-empty username | true |
89 | Rules | Password_CannotBeEmpty | empty password | false |
90 | Rules | Password_MustHaveOneLowercase | password without lowercase | false |
91 | Rules | Password_MustHaveOneUppercase | password without uppercase | false |
92 | Rules | Password_MustHaveOneDigit | password without digit | false |
93 | Rules | Password_MustHaveOneSpecialChar | password without special char | false |
94 | Rules | Password_MustBeAtLeastSixCharsLong | password shorter than 6 chars | false |
95 | Rules | Password_ShouldBeValid | valid passwords | true |
Game Session Validator
# | Tested method | Objective | Input | Expected Result |
96 | Rules | Level_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
97 | Rules | Level_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 1 | true |
98 | Rules | CurrentStreak_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
99 | Rules | CurrentStreak_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 1 | true |
100 | Rules | OverallAnswered_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
101 | Rules | OverallAnswered_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 1 | true |
102 | Rules | CorrectAnswers_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
103 | Rules | CorrectAnswers_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 1 | true |
104 | Rules | TotalTimePlayed_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
105 | Rules | TotalTimePlayed_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 0.1, 1 | true |
106 | Rules | QuickestAnswer_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
107 | Rules | QuickestAnswer_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 0.1, 1 | true |
108 | Rules | SlowestAnswer_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
109 | Rules | SlowestAnswer_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 0.1, 1 | true |
110 | Rules | LongestStreak_ShouldNotBeSmallerThanZero | -1 | false |
111 | Rules | LongestStreak_CanBeZeroOrBigger | 0, 1 | true |
112 | Rules | LongestStreak_CannotBeSmallerThanCurrentStreak | currentstreak=1, longeststreak=0 | false |
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